Top 7 free audiobooks to take your film career to the next level

Filmmakers seeking to up their game in the film industry can now access a library of online audiobooks on a host of topics from starting a crowdfunding campaign through to navigating the Hollywood studio system and film distribution.

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We’ve curated some of the best online audiobooks available which filmmakers can access with a free trial and download immediately to get started.

Top 7 must-have audiobooks for filmmakers

The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide

Hollywood veteran Kelley Baker (Credits include Finding Forrester, Good Will Hunting and My Own Private Idaho) shares his experiences in the industry and how to make extreme no-budget films. Download for free

Step-by-step audio guide to crowdfunding success

Create a successful crowdfunding campaign from concept to completion, and understand why 60% of projects fail, and how to keep audiences engaged. Download for free

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

The ultimate audio guide to getting success in whatever field you work in with the world’s top sales coach teaching attitude, goal setting and the 4 required degrees of action to make dreams happen. Download for free

Make and sell your films online: Surviving Hollywood’s ‘implosion’

Get ultra practical advice and insights on how to survive Hollywood, make films and sell them directly to audiences online, as well as how to bypass the Hollywood system. Download for free

Video Marketing: How to Produce Viral Films and Build a Massive Audience

Everything you need to know about making videos go viral using strategies and tools that will improve your current business and expand your viewership in a short timespan. Download for free

Conquering Hollywood: The Screenwriter's Blueprint for Career Success

Producer Gary Goldstein (Credits include Pretty Woman, The Mothman Prophecies, Under Siege with $1 billion at the box office) teaches screenwriters how to sell a spec script, option a screenplay, get managers/agents or a producer to make a film project happen and how to get hired as a writer. Download for free

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment

Uncover the success of top TV series like House of Cards and how companies such as Amazon and Apple are making big changes to the entertainment industry. Learn how analytics and data is affecting the business models of the industry and adapt to the new changes to get success. Download for free

Filmmakers can also check out these must have skills to support career development from sales to digital marketing.

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