BBC's Dog Day Afternoon goes wrong

LONDON, UK - The BBC has been criticized by a local council for encouraging dogs to foul on a street for a new TV program.

MP Stephen Hammond has pledged to raise the issue with Ofcom, which oversees media regulation in the UK.

The Street That Cut Everything was greenlighted by producers who wanted to show how deep spending cuts in the country would affect basic council services.

As the UK faces the most stringent budget cuts since WW2 it seems fitting that the BBC, paid for by taxpayer money, creates programming in line with modern day British culture.

The controversial method of encouraging local residents to keep their local street dirty may have been panned, but it would seem premature to demand a full apology. TV programming often requires sets and locations to be altered for the demands of the storyline whether a fiction series or a film. Why are explosions in James Bond films not being criticized, as they are clearly more inherently dangerous even with safety protocols.

BBC statement

"This programme will explore how a community faces up to the choices involved in living in an era of cuts and examine the way in which people act as a group when confronted with limited resources and difficult decisions.


film industry network members