opinion column uk

A look back - BBC Blast closure was a disaster for youth

BBC BlastWhen BBC Blast was axed, it not only closed its doors to the young generation of creative people in the UK, it effectively ended a cultural relationship that had helped so many find their direction in life.

I was very dismayed when the BBC announced it was to close it's creative hub. I had been a big fan of the website when I was younger, and it had helped me in many ways, to understand the creative industry. It was my personal guide, and gave me inspiration. It had competitions, blogs, message boards, you name it. This was the site for youth.

What BBC blast offered to youth

  • Messageboards
  • Competitions
  • Work experience
  • Events
  • Blogs
  • Questions and Answers
  • Chats
  • Workshops
  • Training

Today, more than a year after Blast's last update, I have to say it's a great shame that young people can't benefit from the new information that exists on the web today. Technology has changed, so has the industry, but now more than ever, youth is struggling to find a place in society.

With so much unemployment in the UK particularly for those aged 25 and below, finding a way in is not easy, whatever the industry maybe. It's sites like Blast that give people a direction and create a unity amongst a group of like minded individuals. I would wish for it to be re-opened in the near future.

Website: BBC Blast

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