film news

Fatal accident on Martin Scorcese's film set kills crew member

Martin Scorcese's new film 'Silence' faced a huge setback this week when a structure collapsed on the set, killing a construction worker.

Two other crew members were also injured on the shoot, currently in pre-production in Taipei, Taiwan.

CNN reports that Martin Scorcese had voiced his concerns about the safety of one of the structure's in the studio lot, and it was in the process of being re-inforced when it collapsed.

A rep for the film released a statement following the accident via Deadline and said that a structure was being reinforced prior to the start of production to improve the safety of the set. Unfortunately during this process the ceiling collapsed causing injuries and killed a contractor.

Starring Liam Neeson, Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver, 'Silence' takes place in the 17th century and follows the story of two Jesuit priests who face a violent struggle on a trip to Japan as they try to locate their mentor.

The film will be shot in English and Japanese and is scheduled for a 2016 release.

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