2011 BFI London Film Festival - Upcoming events

2011 BFI London Film Festival
The 2011 BFI London Film Festival opens today and like every year the festival has a wide range of events, screenings and masterclasses for people to attend. If this is your first time at the festival, why not familiarise yourself with the screening schedule, and see what's happening throughout the week. With over 300 movies and short films to see, there is plenty for attendees to check out.

Upcoming Events

Thursday 13th October 2011 (repeat on Sunday 16th)

Program of international short animations including films from the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and France.

Being Bradford Dillman - Director Emma Burch

Friday 14th October 2011

The film festival will welcome Seth Rogan and Will Reiser who will answer questions from youtube users and the audience -

film industry network members